Our Beliefs

Traditional. Progressive. Welcoming.

At North Scottsdale United Methodist Church, we are united not by identical beliefs, but by shared values and faith, which form the core of our community. Our beliefs are not about drawing boundaries, they’re about creating connections, about engaging with each other’s diverse perspectives, and enriching our collective spiritual growth.

Here, you will find a loving community that values your journey and experiences as much as your destination. These are some guiding values that help us understand who we are as a church and how we can best serve our community and the world we live in.

Embracing Wesleyan Principles

We ground our beliefs in the rich spiritual heritage of the Methodist Church, founded by John Wesley in 1736. We strive to cultivate personal holiness, social reform, and deep fellowship, principles that resonate even in today’s fast-changing world. Our Wesleyan roots guide us, providing a framework for faith that helps us to make sense of the world, encourages continual spiritual growth with us and our families, and inspires service to others.

We follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, who inspires us to love one another, to seek justice, and to strive for peace. His life serves as a model for us to navigate life together. We believe in Jesus as the embodiment of God’s unconditional love and grace, and the conduit of the Holy Spirit’s guidance and strength. Through him, we experience the divine presence in our lives, guiding us, transforming us, and empowering us to live out our faith in practical ways.

We believe faith is a shared journey, not a solitary pursuit. We connect with others on the journey of life, recognizing that the strength of our community comes from each individual’s unique faith journey. In the spirit of cultivating a life of faith, we encourage exploration, question asking, and open-hearted dialogue, acknowledging that we learn and grow through the collective wisdom of our community.

We engage with the Bible as a living document, open to new insights and understandings. It’s not about having all the answers; it’s about asking the right questions together. This approach allows us to explore the richness of scripture in an intellectually honest yet spiritually passionate way. Our engagement with the Bible is an ongoing dialogue, one that involves deep contemplation, meaningful discussion, and personal application.

We believe that our faith calls us to serve our world, to seek justice, and to love kindness. As a community, we work to make a positive impact in our local and global communities. Inspired by Jesus’ teachings, we strive to “transform society,” knowing that our actions, big or small, contribute to the unfolding of God’s love and justice in the world.

Remember, no matter where you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here at North Scottsdale United Methodist Church. Our beliefs are a compass, not a map – they guide our direction but don’t prescribe a singular path. Together, let’s continue to explore, discover, and deepen our understanding of God’s love.

We stand firm in our commitment to embrace and affirm all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Here, love and acceptance are not conditional; they are the foundation of our community.

North Scottsdale United Methodist Church is located at 11735 N Scottsdale Rd, Scottsdale, AZ near the corner of Shea and Scottsdale Rd.

NSUMC acknowledges Scottsdale as the traditional territory of the Akimel O’odham (Upper Pima), O’odham Jewed, and the Hohokam People.